Things would never get better…
You have an awesome morning, alone, with your two kids.
I’m all warm and fuzzy today. After months of feeling defeated.
Both kids still have a cough and sinus issues…I feel like I can handle it.
Two clients need something ‘yesterday’…I feel like I can handle it.
Three days late on grocery shopping…I feel like I can handle taking both kids.
I’m actually writing a blog post, on a whim!
All because the three of us went out for breakfast (since we have been out of morning food for days) and they behaved beautifully. LL even shared her pancakes with Cecito when she was done.
I fed the baby as we waited for our order to arrive. Coloring with LL between bites and letting her help by stirring my coffee. Then, the food arrived and I got to eat it while it was STILL HOT! Slapped butter on her pancakes and she went to town without syrup, she actually thought the bottle was more coffee — I wasn’t about to correct her. She tried bacon and decided she didn’t like it, this time… Say what?! Fed the babe puffs and we all ate in peace.
This rarely happens. I’m so jazzed about it ’cause Momma needed a boost.
Another rare occurrence…Cecito slept through the night twice in a row for the first time ever! After two nights of hourly wake ups, but I don’t care. Two nights in a row! He can actually sleep through the night – yahoo! If you can’t tell hugs and warm fuzzies are pouring out from is post.
Now to finish up client work that I kept me up until midnight!
Yay! It’s these moments that give us the boost we need to keep going! Hope baby continues his new trend! xoxo!!