Recently I have feverishly been working on a new portfolio website for myself, been trying to work on blog posts of our Ohio trip, and working on design projects (real work) while having LL home all day. It’s exhausting. Plus, I have somehow figured out how to clean the house (a little), do the dishes and feed LL umpteen times a day, get through the laundry and whatever else you need to do around the house…and I would like to tell you all about those things; however, what I really want to talk about is LL.
She is my everyday and I am seriously in awe of her each time I look at her. I cannot believe how much she makes me laugh, how much she needs me and her Daddy, how much she learns (constantly), how unbelievable adorable she is (not just because I am biased, I am truly amazed she is my kid AND that stinking cute), and how much I just want to hug and kiss her ALL DAY!
When we were in Ohio, my sister taught her how to give kisses. She was pretty into it for about a month. Now I ask her for one and she says, “No.” I ask for a hug, “No.” It’s not a pushy or emphatic NO, just a simple, no. In other words, ‘Nope, I simply don’t have time for that right now.’ It makes me laugh and breaks my heart all in one, so I kiss her anyway – ha!
She is starting to talk more, I actually heard a ‘you coming?’ yesterday after she gave me the sign for hungry, then proceeded to go to the kitchen and I didn’t immediately follow. It was awesome, quite literally. You see, when your kid does something for the first time, it truly is a big deal. Because they had no idea it was possible or how to do it before that exact moment. Which sounds simple, but some of these first time occurrences aren’t that easy when you see them figuring it out and how long it takes them to master it or at least accomplish their goal. When they do, tho, I can understand why some people believe in magic.
Another thing she has gotten quite good at is climbing. At first she needed help to get up on the couch. Then she figured out how to step on a pillow to get up there, but only in the middle where the two seat cushions come together because it’s lower there and she can kick her leg up and it stays. Next, she regressed and just cried when she couldn’t get up on the end where the cushion is the highest and she wasn’t tall enough to catapult herself up. Now she is everywhere, all the time! No more crying, just grunting and sometimes falling as she is creating many adventures out of our 850 sq. ft. condo.
Water is another thing that she loves. More recently she has decided that she wants to put her hand in running water, constantly. I think it’s the whole reason she brushes her teeth longer than we do (really brushing teeth means sucking the water out of the bristles). She’s also getting braver in a pool and at the beach, plus, wanting to hop in the shower when she hears the water running. It really is darling when you hear her running in a panic with a face that matches because she thinks she is missing out on something good.
The last LLism I will share is her love of loud music. It’s absolutely hilarious how she will rush over to climb up to the volume button so she can blast it. You try to turn it down and she does it again, and again, and again. What’s funny is she doesn’t get mad. When she hears the volume go down she stops what she’s doing, turns to look at the speakers, then heads over to crank it up. She really is her mother’s daughter and we are in trouble when she becomes a teenager.
Now, here is a mishmash of recent photos:
Lovely pictures and blog. It is such a magical time, isn’t it? I just wrote in my journal how Ella put her fingers to her lips and did ‘shhhhh’ yesterday! I had no idea she could do that or knew she had ever even seen it. Amazing!I hope we can get our cuties together soon. xo
Thanks Rachel! It sure is. Sounds like you all are having fun, too. Yes, I hope we can get together soon!
What a darling personality she is developing! How wonderful that you are experiencing all these firsts.
We are loving it! She is so much fun, each day I wonder what she will do next.
great updates!