This year, LL really wanted a “real” princess to come to her party. She talked about it for months; discussing which one will be there and what they will do, how amazing it would be. Eventually, we had to break it to her that a real princess isn’t in the party budget.
It was a very sad moment.
Luckily we were able to agree that a dress up party would be tons of fun. All her friends could come dressed as anything they wanted. Plus, we promised that she could get a new princess dress to wear to the party. Thanks to Grammy and Aunt Rae-Rae she got the two she had been wanting for the last year!
Of course, LL wanted to invite everyone she had ever met on this earth. So, we did! It ended up being a lot of fun and was really wonderful to see her with all the people who have made an impact on her over the years. During the party she was full of life, gracious to everyone that attended, and she did very well speaking to the adults and people she wasn’t very familiar with.
As her Momma, I was beaming with pride and admiration. Very quickly, she’s turning into a little lady.
We had the regular birthday fare, in terms of food and drinks. And I’m happy to say that my party planning skills were on point with the amount of food that we had for the number of guests. Yay – no more 3 dozen donuts to stuff ourselves with afterwards! Plus, many compliments from the parents, which made me feel accomplished and good about the effort I put into planning these kid parties.
The one HUGE surprise was that we had a sprinkler bash at the end. It was utterly amazing! The kids were screaming (along with some adults) as the first shots of water came from the ground. One of our poor guests got pelted in the back without any warning – eek! We ended up moving the tables out of the grass, just about the time that our friend found the valve to shut them off. So back the tables went and the party continued with ease.
To the kids delight, the sprinklers kept going off down the lawn throughout the park. By far, every kid thought it was the coolest thing to ever happen at at party. It was surely LL’s favorite part and I was told that one little girl whispered, “Mom, this is the best party EVER!” as she was dripping wet with a huge grin ready to run back to the sprinklers.
Magic, my friends, it was pure magic…and so is our sweet Little Love.