How was your Memorial Day weekend? Ours was pretty good, low key.
Friday night we watched the new Oz movie. It was ok.
Saturday we had a friend over for dinner. It was a great time, but it did take me too long to make the food. Gil thought it was perfect to try out new recipes with a friend, while I wasn’t too sure. I want the food I have asked someone to come over and eat with us to be good, so I was a little stressed. It all ended up just fine, but I definitely took on too much. Something to remember for next time I decide to try out something new when a guest is coming over.
Sunday we didn’t do anything out of the ordinary; went to the park and had family time. We did get to hang out with a friend who just moved to the neighborhood. Can’t wait to see her more often! Both Gil and I were exhausted because we aren’t sleeping well. For some reason I decided to get insomnia and he is fighting a cough.
Monday we had more family time (yay!) and a bbq with our neighbors. It was impromptu, since no one had any plans, we figured why not!

…and that’s that! We had a nice relaxing weekend.